Aiming for the GOAL

"Live your values, Pursue your dreams and Follow your passions." They say this really implies the true ways we must do to have the best future life we could possibly have. Seeing through around the world and just different places, we will find all kinds of people exist in the world. There's no one the sane. We're all different, we're all one of a kind. That means, we all have different dreams or its better to say, different goals in life.

Over my life time, I would like to achieve many things. But there are three main things I would like to accomplish: to a genuinely happy and triumphant person, give my mother what she deserves as well as my future family and to serve people. Let me explain briefly. I am still studying and I'm trying my best to have a bright future. In this process, I have faced a lot of ups and downs. There were a lot of times wherein I already didn't know how to cheer myself up. I was sad even if I should be happy like in times of me still being an honor student. I focused on the negatives. I want to give my mom and my future family what they deserve because I don't want them to experience everything we've been through when my dad passed. Lastly, I want to serve people simply because it gives me joy knowing I'm able to help other people. 

I know it's going to be a long bumpy ride. But it is a goal, an aim and a direction for my life. It is to be a doctor. Through the years of my life I've been studying, grade school to high school, I could hardly decide what I want to be in the future because there were so many choices painted in my mind. But at this time, I am sort of at the crossroads where I have to make decisions, specifically at my strand in senior highschool and course in college as well as my profession. With all the sacrifices my mom is exerting just to send me to school, I don't have reasons not to give my best all the time.

At that time, I have my job and I have something to make my mom, and my dad who is in heaven, feel so proud of me, I would give my mom the best life. To make her comfortable and happy.

Simple dreams of mine for others but worth living reasons for me. I together with my family, have simple means of living. But because of firm determination, strong faith in God, good values and virtues, I assure that we will have the best life in the future not because of the luxuries but the richness of love, compassion for people and passion for God. These are my dreams, my inspiration which I have to work on for the future.


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