Caring in Different Ways

Life wouldn't be complete without the cheerful, creative and fun children who makes our lives much easier to bear with and who makes our lives more colorful. Life is without a doubt the best gift to humans. But why do people fail to make their children feel loved and cared for? Isn't their mere existence enough?

As a child, I never experienced all the stories my friends would share to one another. They lived almost by just playing outside with friends and just having fun. My childhood was a different story. Mine was rather boring. I would stay inside always and just played there with different gadgets. I was introduced to the internet and gadgets at a very young age. But today's babies or children are more advanced, really.

You see, I shared my own experience not because I wasn't cared for or loved but because I want to impart to everyone that all of us has different ways of showing their care and love. Growing up, I learned so much. I would search and memorize different things because that's what my dad wanted me to do. Maybe that is why until now, I am being pressured in everything that I do. Even though I breakdown almost every time I feel pressured, I still am thankful because I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them.

I know what it feels like to be unappreciated. To feel like your efforts will never be enough. But as years go by, we understand that life is fairly unfair. It is really unfair but it is unfair to everyone. We might feel unloved, unwanted and unappreciated but trust me, we are. As a child reaching to parents, I just want to say that this is just a phase. Sooner or later as they'll mature, they'd for sure understand. But for now, please check on them always and ask them if they are alright because being physically healthy isn't enough. They should be healthy in every aspect of their well-being. Be proud of their smallest achievements and always make them feel that you'll always make them feel that you'll always be there no matter what.

Care and love can be shown in different ways. But in every way we do to show our love and care, children and also us, should not be numb and we should always give back too. We should always remember to love one another as He loves us.


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