The "Perfect" Christmas I Wish I Have

During the holiday season, it is easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas. This may sound cliché but it is very truthful. The food, the music, the lights, the tree and the gifts, are these the essence of Christmas for you?

Personally, I cannot remember a Christmas wherein we were complete as a family. Maybe when I was one or two or maybe I never did. I just don't know. Sadly, I know this will never happen to me again because my daddy is already in a happier place 6 years now. This answers what the essence of Christmas is for me. It is family.

Unfortunately, as we grow older, family becomes and feels different. It doesn't feel like home already. It feels like a big part is missing. Why? Because a lot happens throughout the years. We get to a stage wherein we feel that no one is there for us even our family. We feel that we are unwanted by everyone even our family. Also, we feel that no one is proud of us even our family. No one appreciates us even our family. 

See, we are doing everything for them to be happy because their happiness is our happiness too but it's just so hard to do so. Our families should know thay despite having a family, we do not feel that we have one. All we need is to feel home and love in their comfort for we are spending Christmas with them. Genuine happiness because of family and their love but why does it have to be so hard?

Family, love and happiness is all I'm wanting. Nothing more, nothing less. I hope that somedzy, I'll be able to spend Christmas together with my extended family or even just the three of us. Cause I really miss how Christmas felt like before.


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