A Hope for Metamorphosis (SONA 2018)

          This year's SONA is without a doubt, different from your past SONA's. In here, your delivered speech did not contain profanities and cuss words that we hade grown to know. The speech covered certain issues such as War on Drugs, Corruption, Federalism, Human rights, Train Law, Contractualization, Boracay development, Environmental Issues, Healthcare services, and the West Philippine Sea.

        Still, the administration's "War on Drugs" have been highlighted. No intentions of it being stopped and will continue. Also a quote from you saying "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives", seems a bit ironic to me. Human rights were made to dwell on human lives which means that the citizen's concern and yours are of thought, the same. The difference is on how the people and you perceive it.

          I am relieved to hear how our nation is pushing for better healthcare services that will greatly benefit each and every Filipino. Also, it gives me joy to hear that OFW were one of your topics. I hope that you will stick to your word when you mentioned that you will do everything in your power to make comfortable living for the Filipinos.

           I also express high hopes regarding the discussed environmental issues such as mining and restoring what people have mismanaged, and also the continued improvement and restoration of Boracay. Along with this is the Coconut Farmers' Trust Fund. Furthermore, I am happy to hear that you are pushing for the end of contractualization and have about 300,000 workers regularized.

          "You worry about the present. I worry about the future" I hope Pres. Duterte that your vision of the people and nation's future will not be the cause and break of the present's fall.





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