RESILIENCY: Rise after the Fall

          As Filipinos, we are considered to be resilient. There are indeed a lot of experiences wherein this was truly seen. But what do we mean by resilience? Resilience, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the ability to become strong, healthy or successful again after something bad happens. With this definition, it is without a doubt that Filipinos are really resilient. Also because of the different traits that we have that make us stand out from other people.

            We all know that the Philippines is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire which makes our country disaster-prone. The resiliency of the Filipino people can be seen the most during the times of different disasters. Being located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, we are most likely to face at least 30 typhoons in a year. Also, we are prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

          The best example of a disaster that could be sited is when Super Typhoon Yolanda struck our country more than 4 years ago. The Super Typhoon Yolanda was one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded causing 6,340 fatalities and a lot of properties were destroyed. this caused grief and great fear to every Filipino family. The devastation and the trauma was really unexplainable. But as time passed by, we started to regain our strength, started to rebuild the properties we own and we started to renew our lives.

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         In the example alone, we can already say that we are truly resilient. But when the lowest times come, we should never forget to help others who are in need. We may be facing the same situation but a steward of God, besides from taking care of our Mother Earth or His creation, we should also serve our fellow  men because as He said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." In this way, we are working together and helping one another to rise after a great fall.

             Disasters are part of living whether we like it or not. We can never control when these will occur. But with enough knowledge and faith, we can face any disaster that will come our way. It's just up to us if we'll let fear conquer us or we will conquer fear and continue being a resilient Filipino like we're known for.



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