The Good in Firsts

               We may be at our 10th grade in Junior High School but it is certain, that we, just like other students, still have a lot to learn. A lot of people tend to be misguided about our capabilities being in the Special Science Class. They'll say we should know this and that because it's just a matter of understanding and common sense and stuff like that. But the bottom line here is that we are still learning a lot of things in different aspects  and we're still continuing to grow as individuals. 

             During the first quarter of our ICT 10, we tackled a variety of topics. The first thing we discussed was about the internet. First, we learned about the history of internet in which we got to know where it all started, in what year and the people behind all of these. It's truly amazing that people can think of such masterpieces that has grown so much and are still what we're using until now. Second, we learned about the definition of internet, its components, tools and services. In this topic, I was again astonished with the many things internet can give us. I believe this had really made a change and a big impact in our lives for in this generation, internet is already a necessity to people. Third, we discovered how the web server and web browser works together. Under this, the Uniform Resource Locator was discussed also the types of data that can be found on the internet, the multimedia file, text file and graphics file. And the last thing we discussed for the topic of internet is the internet architectures. These persons became a big part of internet because of their works either international or here in the Philippines. 

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          The second lesson or topic we had was about blogs. Under this are its definition, the advantages of blogs to students, the types of blogs and the portfolio of matrics. I learned that there could be a lot of advantages that blogs could give to us like it encourages storytelling, research and analysis and it could also promote interaction and regular writing. Also, with its different types, we could enhance what are interests are in or in what we are skilled at. I believe, if we are just forced to do something we're not really into then results come out not good. But if it's something out of your own passion and skills then for sure, it will be a great output. In sharing your works on the web, publishing them does not just end there. We should also see if these are really effective to the audience we are catering to. The quantifiable statistics that could help us monitor this are number of visitors, number of comments, number of posts and more.

               The last lesson we had is about search engines. I learned that there are a lot of ways to find answers to what we are looking for on the web. This can be explained through the different search techniques such as phrase searching, boolean logic, pseudo-boolean logic and term weighing.

Image result for person thinking              As students, we face a lot of challenges. And one of these is creating blogs that we published on When I come to think of it, the problem I faced was mostly on how could I possibly grab the audience's attention with just my thoughts in an essay? Since I was already challenged by this, I addressed this by digging deeper on ways to attract a person's attention and even maybe persuade them depending on the topic we were given. Also, I addressed this by reading the works of others and by gathering more information that could be put into the blog.

              Moving on, I will be more than delighted to share my knowledge that I have gained from the first quarter of ICT 10 to others. Also, since blogging has really got my interest, I believe that I would still be publishing my ideas there even if we finish 10th grade. First quarter for me was a good one. I never thought I'd be interested this much. But as people say, "There is a first in everything." So, what are you waiting for? Why not give learning a chance and application a try?



  1. nagmayat ti pannaka aramid na atoy nga article ituloy mo py t nasyaat a panagbasa

  2. Very well said! I can relate to the challenges you faced. We may encounter hindrances, but we must continue the journey. Keep it up, MC!


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