Electromagnetism: Life Changer (Science Month Celebration 2018)

"Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements"

        The science month celebration is held annually every September of the year. Every year, a different theme is formulated for the science month. This year, the theme is "Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements." This event aims to encourage the youth to engage in activites that would help protect our environment, widen our knowledge about science, apply these learning and other various activities. Also, this year's theme for the science month celebration gave importance to one of Michael Faraday's important discoveries which is electromagnetism.

        Faraday's discovery about electromagnestism changed everyone's life. This holds a big role today in the different technological advancements. With that being said, life became easier. Why? It's because electromagnestism helps us in many ways like our broadcast stations or entertainment system, either radio or television. It also helps us when cooking food, paticularly the induction cookers, microwave ovens, electric mixers and more. We are also at ease and comfort because our household appliances such as electric fans and cooling systems use electric motors. Also, because of electromagnetism, cellphones were upgraded and made communications either domestic or international better. Electromagnetism is used also in generators an motors and lastly, in the medical system when having hyperthemia treatments, implants and magnetic resonance imaging.

          For me, this discovery is very important and timely because it is one of those discoveries that does not only help a few people rather, it helps all the people in the world. Not only that, this also helps for our country's economy to rise. A proof that it has truly changed the world.

         In conclusion, we, as the new generation should give more importance to these technologies. We should be inspired and motivated to discover something that can create a great impact to the people and to the world, something that would be a reason why people will look up to you and something that could help our Mother Earth's current state. Like others say, "Mother Earth is dying but she's not dead." Let us walk in humanity, there's still time to change our fate.


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