Starting Change with Him

     When the new year comes around, people tend to say "New Year, New Me." Be it a bandwagon thing or a serious thing a person really wants. But do people really stand by what they say? Do they really improve themselves?

     Personally, I believe it takes a lot of courage and discipline to really change for the better and to improve your ways. New year's resolutions made by people usually get disregarded as the year goes on. When that happens, no change happens at all.

       This year, I also tried to have a change. And that is to be more connected to Him. To attend masses more often since I know I can't have a perfect attendance. To pray more and to stay positive despite anything because everything happens for a reason.

     So far, I have been doing a good job. I seem happier and I have been enjoying giving joy to people too. Many had happen the past year and I am proud I overcame everything. I'm still intact despite the trials we've encountered. I am still fighting.

        I believe if you really want change, you should be persistent enough to do so. Believe that you can do so and that you are capable of that change you're aiming for.



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