Home Gardening: Make a Change (Nutrition Month 2018)

        Nutrition has always held a big part of our lives. Since the day we were born, at present and even in the future. Starting at home, our mom or dad forced us to eat vegetables and fruits to be healthy. They told us we would become strong and mighty. We would be more beautiful, more intelligent or more active. We believed in all of those in such a young age. And now, we are in the right mind and age to know what's beyond the food we eat.

         Growing up, we have seen the hardships of our parents just to buy us food. But we know that not all of these are consumed by us in the family. Some of these food get wasted or spoiled but most of these gets eaten and finished by us. What we failed to see is the struggles of the people behind the food we eat. The farmers who plant and take good care of their crops just to make sure they grow well and that these are safe to eat. The farmers who gave so much time and effort just to feed billions of people including their own families. They also make a living out of farming.

Image result for farmers

        This year's nutrition month celebration is "Ugaliing magtanim, Sapat na nutrisyon aanihin.," which is centered to family home gardening. We should not just depend on farmers just because this is what they do for a living. Farmers are just humans like us that also gets tired. That is why we should embrace and do home gardening in our family. This will not only help our farmers but it will also be a great help in saving money for buying food. Thus, it will also be a way for our family to bond with each other. 

         We should start planting and start making a change. If we start with our own family then we could influence other people to do the same. We should help one another and not take agriculture for granted. Little by little we can do great things. It is not necessary to start by planting a lot of crops or a lot of vegetables or fruits. It is a process that takes time. 

          There is more to see in family home gardening. We just need to open our eyes to see the truth. If we start it today, in no time we could make a big, big difference.



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