Behind our Independence

           Filipinos celebrate a lot of holidays. In which students like us rejoice for because of no classes. One of these holidays is our Independence Day that is celebrated every June 12. So, what do we mean by "independence?" And why do we celebrate Independence Day?

Resulta ng larawan para sa japanese and filipino war         Since elementary, we have made flags to display for Independence Day. Now, in high school, we wrote poems, slogans and essays, like this one. Let us dig deeper to what it really means. When we say "independence," according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it means the freedom from outside control or support. Another meaning from Merriam-Webster is the time when a country or region gains political freedom outside control or support. Based on my understanding, independence is when a person or a country can already stand alone without anyone helping them out. Also, without the fear of other people's control.

Resulta ng larawan para sa japanese and filipino war        The Philippines has already experienced a lot. From the 333 years of colonization from the Spaniards, 48 years from the Americans and 3 years from the Japanese. We celebrate Independence Day every year to commemorate the Philippines being finally free from colonization. I believe, not only do we celebrate the Philippines being free but also to pay respect to the people behind our independence. The heroes who showed equal bravery and love for our country. The lives in which they chose to sacrifice for us, the people, and the Philippines.

          As Filipinos, it is only right to look back on everything we've faced before reaching where we are now. That's why we should do everything that we can to treasure and keep our independence here in the Philippines. We should never be afraid to fight for what is right because that is just. Remember, our heroes didn't sacrifice their lives for "just" our country. They sacrificed their lives for where their hearts were and that was their beloved home.



  1. very informative, keep it up :))

  2. Our country's history is truly something to be proud of. I enjoyed reading your article. :)


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